Wisconsin Swimming, Inc. House of Delegates
Meeting Minutes, July 28, 1998
University of Wisconsin Center, Waukesha, Wisconsin

MEMBERS PRESENT: See attached Meeting Sign-In.

CALL TO ORDER: Barb Stirn, Administrative Chairman, called meeting to order at 7:15 PM.

REVIEW OF MEETING MINUTES: Changes to Minutes of May 26, 1998 Meeting:

Page 2, Administrative Chairman's Report: Spell "Stirn" correctly; elsewhere, spell "Nickels" correctly.
Page 3, Team Wisconsin: Delete John Bradley as Chairman.
Page 4, February Meet: LSC Technical Planning did not agree to provide disks with Meet format in Hy-Tek to Meet hosts.
Page 5, February Meet: Change $20 to $2 for splash fee.
Lynn Stickels and moved and Joe Schweitz seconded accepting the Minutes as amended. Passed.

GENERAL CHAIRMAN'S REPORT: 1998 USS Convention: On behalf of Jim Mohr, General Chairman, Barb Stirn reported that the LSC has six delegate votes at the Convention. The following are attending: Mohr; Carol Graham, Registration Coordinator (for Administrative Delegate); Drew Walden, Senior Delegate; and Steve Schiessl, Age Group Delegate. Mohr will verify that the newly elected Athlete Delegates meet the LSC requirements for Athletes' Representatives, determine whom would serve as Senior/Junior Representatives, and whether they are able to attend the Convention.

TREASURER'S REPORT: Mary Schneider reported that the LSC revenues and expenditures are close to budget as of July 20th. The LSC's 1998 YTD financial status:

Income $103,922
Expenses 97,105
Net Income $ 6,817
Current Assets (Certificates of Deposits & Savings) $173,164
Property & Equipment 0
Total Assets $173,164
Current Liabilities $ 0
Fund Balances Unrestricted 67,315
 Travel Fund, Restricted 105,849 
Total Liabilities & Fund Balances  $173,164


 Anticipated 1998 revenues included Splash Fees from Meets conducted in July and deposit of Team Wisconsin registrations from the prior weekend, although some Team Wisconsin expenses already had been paid. Anticipated expenditures included additional Team Wisconsin invoices and reimbursement requests from swimmers for travel expenses to compete in USS summer Junior and National Championships. A minor correction was made to the May, 1998 financial report to accurately report expenditures of the Officials Committee.

ADMINISTRATIVE CHAIRMAN'S REPORT: Barb Stirn reviewed the draft 1998-99 Fall-Winter Swim Meet Schedule. Teams corrected information submitted with their Meet Bids. Stirn reported that one team submitted a bid to host the Sectional Meet in each Section, so those Sectional Meet hosts will be:

Section 1, Mad-Town Aquatics (MTA)
Section 2, West Bend Swim Club (WBSC)-Fond du Lac Recreation Swim Team (FRST)
Section 3, Greater Ozaukee Swim Team (GOST)
Section 4, Lake Country Swim Team (LAKE)
1999 LSC Short Championships. Stirn stated that the Meet for swimmers 13 and over was scheduled before the Meet for swimmers 12 and under due to availability of the Schroeder Aquatic Center's pool for the Meet for the older swimmers. Stirn reported that the Schroeder YMCA Swim Team (SSTY) and Waukesha Express Swim Team (WEST) had bid for the 13 and older Meet with the stipulation that the LSC provide one half of the Timers.

Linda Eberle moved and Jim Kesserling seconded the LSC's accepting a bid from the floor from the Barracuda Swim Team (BST) and the South Eastern Aquatics YMCA (SEAY) to host the 1999 LSC Short Course 13 and Over Championship Meet without the LSC providing Timers.

Discussion: The LSC reserves the dates for the Meet with the Schroeder Aquatic Center. Any Team may bid for the Meet. No bid was submitted properly on time. The Age Group-Senior Committee, which has jurisdiction over the LSC Championship Meets, recommends that the LSC provide Timers for Championship Meets, i.e., each team must provide Timers.

Results of Vote: Host of LSC 1999 Short Course Championship Meet:

SSTY-WEST with LSC providing half of the Timers 9
BST-SEAY providing all Timers 26
Abstentions 6
Al Schmidt moved and Carina Tennessen seconded acceptance of the 1998-1999 Fall-Winter Meet Schedule as amended. Passed. Stirn will mail copies of the Meet schedule and the 1999 State Sectional Alignments to Meet Directors and Club Presidents.

ATHLETES' REPRESENTATIVES' REPORT: Stirn suggested and the Delegates agreed to move the agenda to the Athletes' Representatives' Report.

Athletes' Representatives: Andy Kopacz and Carina Tennessen reported that this was their last LSC meeting. The newly elected representatives are Shane Ryan, Verona Aquatic Club (VAC), and Sara Caldwell, WBSC.

Athlete Scholarship: Kopacz and Tennessen presented a revised proposal and discussed and accepted changes for an "Athlete Scholarship:" Jim Kesserling moved and Al Schmidt seconded acceptance of the Athlete Scholarship:

Motion passed.



1999 Memberships: She will mail 1999 membership information to each club's membership person listed on her current data base. When another person assumes responsibility for membership/registration, the club must notify Graham to insure that the club continues to receive materials on time. This year's information includes new forms, new fees, and a new list of coaching credentials.

1998 Membership Data: To date, the LSC membership is:

Club 64
Athlete, Regular
Athlete, Seasonal 876
Non Athlete 612
1999 LSC Handbook: She plans to distribute Handbook January, 1999 meeting.

SAFETY CHAIRMAN'S REPORT: Cathi Marty reported on the following and suggested that clubs use the information, as is appropriate, in their newsletters.

New Requirements for Coach Members: United States Swimming has identified new requirements for Coach members and will accept only the courses identified. (See attachment, "United States Swimming, Coach Safety Curriculum, 1998-99 Requirements and Equivalents, Volume 4, Issue 2, duly 1998").

Coaches Training Opportunities: Safety Training for Swim Coaches, CPR Recertification, & First Aid Recertification

Lightning: USS has no official rules on postponing Meets as it relates to lightning. However, the July 1998 issue of USS "Safety Quarterly," Volume 4, Issue 2 includes an article on "Shocking News about Lightning and Pools" that she suggests the LSC send with Meet approvals for outdoor Meets and to USS officials.

Young Children on Deck: A child, who is not a member of USS, is not permitted on deck.


LSC Mission Statement: Joe Schweitz moved and Lynn Stickels seconded acceptance of the LSC Mission Statement to include Article I, Item 1.2, "Objectives of the By-Laws of Wisconsin Swimming, Inc." and:

The goal of Wisconsin Swimming is promoting and retaining membership by offering quality programs. To fulfill this goal, WSI must:

1) Ensure that the Wisconsin Swimming meet schedules fulfill the needs of the entire swimming membership by:

    1. Providing a championship series that encourages a focal point for all caliber of our swimming membership.
    2. Providing consistency in the LSC meet schedule from season to season.
    3. Programming WSI meet schedules as soon as USS Junior and National dates and plans become available.
2) Ensure that each member of WSI Board of Directors uses all available LSC resources in pursuit of generating programs and ideas to fulfill his/her responsibility. Discussion: Mission Statement would become Section 1 of the "Wisconsin Swimming Handbook" with the other sections re-numbered accordingly. Motion passed.

Quality Meets:

Time Trials Fees: Schweitz moved and seconded by consensus deleting "or fees for Time Trials" from LSC Rule 5.5, Meet Management. Discussion: The Host club provides the pool, officials, and workers for Time Trials. The host club should be able to retain all Time Trial fees collected, rather than remitting a portion to the LSC Travel Fund. If the club hosted a Meet in lieu of the Time Trials, the club would remit part of the entries to the Travel Fund. A Time Trial is an individual event and the host club pays the LSC Travel Fund a portion of the Time Trial fees collected, based on the amount of the entry fee, as set by the LSC Rules. Stirn referred the issue to the Rules Committee for presentation at the October, 1998 meeting.

8 and Unders and Distance Event: Swimmers aged 8 years and younger are not subject to the LSC's "distance event" rule, as USS has no recognized events for this age group.

SENIOR CHAIRMAN'S REPORT: Drew Walden reported.

USS Nationals Televised NBC will have a delayed broadcast on August 30th of two hours of USS National Championships from Clovis, California, held earlier in August.

Age Group/Senior Committees Meeting: September 13th, Sunday, 9:00 AM at Walters', Brookfield. Major issue for discussion will be the LSC Short Course Championships.


CAMPS CHIARMAN'S REPORT: Lynn Winnicki reported that the LSC - USS has no or limited guidelines for conducting Camps. The Camps Committee will make recommendations for conducting LSC Camps to the Age Group Committee prior to its September 13th meeting.

CLUB DEVELOPMENT: Jacob Weber reported that USS sent each Club President a packet of information pertaining to club development. He and Dave Westphal announced their resignations as Co-chairmen of the Club Development Committee effective September 1, 1998.

FINANCE CHAIRMAN'S REPORT: Mary Schneider reported that the Budget Committee will meet September 15th (Tuesday) at a time and location to be announced. Committee Chairmen should send her their budget proposals for consideration in the LSC 1999 budget prior to September 15th.

OPEN WATER CHAIRMAN'S RPEORT: Linda Eberle reported that Joe Reischl had resigned as Open Water Chairman. SEAY is considering an Open Water Clinic in conjunction with its annual Quarry Open Water Meet, next scheduled for July 3, 1999.

OFFICIALS CHAIRMAN'S REPORT: Susan Zblewski reported.

LSC Long Course Championships: Officials, who worked this Meet and participated in the educational presentations prior to each session of the Meet, received USS National Certification. Using the "National Meet" format provided better pool coverage.

Clinics: Clinics for Recertification for USS Officials will be conducted in Madison and Milwaukee areas this Fall. Clinics for individuals to become certified as USS Stroke and Turn Judges and for qualified Stroke and Turn Judges to become certified as Starter/Referees will be included in the LSC Fall Conference.

Committee Members: Zblewski is recruiting new members for the Committee.

RECORDS, OVC'S TOP 16: Jackie Groiss reported that correcting times for USS Top 16 Short Course Times still was possible. She also said that September 15th is the due date for reporting qualifying times for the USS Top 16 Long Course Times.


ZONE CHAMPIONSHIPS: Cris Lewis, LSC Team Wisconsin Manager, reported: 143 registrations to "Travel with Team" and 54, "Travel on Own" with 22 open water entries, some traveling with team and some traveling on own. Chaperones are scheduled. Entries are closed. Team gear is well received by swimmers and parents.


Election of Officers: Stirn nominated and seconded by consensus Mike Young with the Mequon Area Swim Team (MAST) for LSC Finance Chairman. He would serve as a member of the LSC Board of Directors. Elected.

General Chairman Appointment: Stirn announced that Jim Mohr, General Chairman, had appointed Bob Jenkyns, (LAKE), as Rules Chairman and, thus, a member of the Board of Directors.

NEW BUSINESS: Stirn announced.

Resignation: John Bradley resigned as Age Group Chairman.

Splash Fee: Each Meet sanction requires a "splash fee," even is a club hosts two meets in one weekend.

ADJOURNMENT: By consensus at about 9:45 PM.




Prepared by ________________________________________ September 20, 1998

Patricia A. Kramer, Secretary

Wisconsin Swimming, Inc.