Wisconsin Swimming Board of Directors Meeting

Tuesday, April 23, 2002


General Chair Dale Nickels called the meeting to order at 6:04. Members present Dave Anderson, Matt Miller, Dave Westphal, Jim Mohr, Dave Joyce, Bob White, Carol Graham, Mary Schneider, Susan Zbelewski, Cris Lewis and Cathie Marty.

Minutes from the previous meeting were moved to approve by Mary Schneider and Jim Mohr.

Dale reported that we are in need of a rules chairperson. Matt pointed out that we also need an Adaptive Chair. Currently, information is sent to the Age Group Chair but this is a nationally recognized board position and Matt feels that it should be a separate position.

Carol reported that fees would be the same for the next year. The proposed fees that we thought were coming have been postponed until after they can be voted on at the next national convention.

Mary reported that we are currently in debt but isn’t worried because we’ll make it up with fall registrations. Travel fund there’s about a $6,000 difference. Matt asked where the Zone C expenses fall in the budget.

Susan reported that there would be officials’ clinics in Appleton and Middleton this weekend with a tremendous response. There are lots of new stroke & turn candidates with not as many stepping up to Starter/Ref.

Cris reported that meet bids are due to her by the second Tuesday in June for the fall season. Two summer meets have been cancelled so far – BST on May 17 – 19 and Eau Claire YMCA on June 29 – 30. Cris will be moving in the near future and her new address is already on the web site.

Matt reported that the Age Group Committee has been working on the summer state meet. Several events have been added to match the Top 16. Time standards remain the same. Swimmers can swim a maximum of 5 events in the prelim-final format. There will be time trials as well due to that weekend being the last chance to qualify for several other meets with this as a separate sanction. The time trials will be open so that swimmers do not have to be entered in the meet to time trial. The biggest change for the Senior Meet will be the addition of the 50’s of stroke. Swimmers can swim both weekends if they have the time standards.

Zone C Open Water is scheduled for Thursday rather than after the meet as in the past. One coach will be at the on Wednesday night so any athletes wanting to compete will have a coach. A new change will be that there can be 2 swimmers 12 & under and two 13 – 18 representing each LSC as Disability entries. Matt is developing an application for athletes who want to compete as a way to choose representatives and will include criteria for selection. There was a discussion regarding the addition of these athletes. Matt proposed a rule change to allow athletes qualifying the national disability championships to receive LSC travel funds. He will bring this to the floor for discussion and to vote as a rule change at the next meeting. Funding for the Zone C from the LSC will be $100 with an additional cost of $55 - $80 depending on exactly what equipment is chosen. There is a large hotel block at a reasonable rate. Matt is budgeting for 90 swimmers. Carol urged that the meet information be mailed as early as possible because the new format will bring many questions. Cris questioned the fact that there is a $2 processing fee for entering the state meets not using Hy-Tek file. This is a common practice in other LSCs. 2003 championship meet dates have been chosen based on the dates for WIAA State and Speedo Championships. March 7 – 9 will be the 14 & Under Meet at Schroeder and the Senior Meet will be February 27 – March 2 at Carthage. Matt distributed written copies of the minutes from the April 16, 2002 Age Group Meeting.

Dave reported that the deadline for swimmer of the year and coach of the year awards were extended due to a lack of submissions.

Jim reported that an electronic Finance Committee meeting was held to approve the purchase of a new computer for the Records/OVC chair. An Audit Committee will be held.

Dave Joyce reported that State Records for the new age group events will be established and will go back as far as printed meet results go. He has a letter going out and plans to keep the web site updated with current information.

Dale asked that committee meeting minutes be given to Dale as soon as possible to post on the web. The next meeting is June 25. The mailing deadline will be May 23. (Dale’s birthday.)


The meeting adjourned at 7:05 p.m.

Submitted by Cathie Marty, Recorder