Wisconsin Swimming, Inc., House of Delegates
Meeting Minutes: January 22, 2002
University of Wisconsin Center, Waukesha, Wisconsin

MEMBERS PRESENT: See attached sign-in.

CALL TO ORDER: Dale Nickels, General Chair, called the meeting to order at 7:16 p.m.

CHANGE TO AGENDA: Cathie Marty moved that the Age Group Report be before the Administrative Chair Report. Deb Nickels seconded the motion. The motion was passed unanimously.

REVIEW OF MINUTES: Mary Schneider moved and Cathie Marty seconded approving the minutes of the October 23, 2001, meeting. Motion was passed unanimously.


General Chair Report: Dale Nickels reported that at the 2001 USS Swimming Convention, effective November 11, 2001, a minimum depth of 5' is required for the teaching of a racing start. There are no changes to the competitive regulations.

On November 28, 2001, the National Federation of State High School Association eliminated the option of 18" starting blocks with water that is only 3' 1/4" to 4' deep. If this is the case, the swimmers must start from the water or the deck.

There is a concern as to whether or not to allow GHOST to host the sectionals due their insurance representative advising them against it in light of the new rules.

Dale Nickles stated that there are two vacancies on the board. Dave Dahler vacated the Rules Chair and Barb Stirn vacated the Records, Top 16, Official Verification Cards Chair. If anyone is interested in filling these positions, please let Dale Nickels know.

Treasurer's Report: Mary Schneider, Treasurer, reported:

  1. About various figures on the Income Sheet, Balance Sheet, and Budget Sheet which she distributed.
  2. The general and travel funds are both in the black this year.
  3. Officials include the symposium.
  4. At the swim camp, Neil Walker will be the speaker.
  5. The awards billings are just coming in.
  6. The equipment purchase of $5,000 went to Schroeder.
Matt Miller reported that Schroeder purchased approximately $26,000 in facility improvements as shown on the Facility Improvements sheet he distributed.

Age Group Chair Report: Matt Miller, Age Group Chair, reported:

  1. On October 23, 2001, at the House of Delegates Meeting, he presented a rule change for the Travel Fund Disbursement. A handout was distributed concerning this change. He now presented it by committee for a vote. There was discussion and BobWhite called the question. This was approved unanimously.
  2. Matt Miller reported that the committee has suggested that there be two preliminary/final long course state meets this summer, one for swimmers 14 years old and under (August 2-4) and the other for seniors and those making the time cuts (August 9-11). At the 14 and under meet more events will be added for the 11 and 12 year olds, and time trials will possibly be allowed for those trying to get more cuts. Matt Miller indicated that Schroeder Swim Team would be willing to host the August 2-4 meet. In order to encourage a club to host the senior meet which is probably less lucrative, he suggested that LSC pay the pool rental of $4,500. There was various discussion.
Drew Walden moved that if this two week format is approved, the LSC should provide incentive for the senior meet by underwriting the cost of the pool rental for that particular meet. Cathie Marty seconded this motion and after discussion, Dave Anderson called the question. The motion passed.

Dave Anderson moved that we should accept the format of the 14 and under meet and senior meet and dates. Cathie Marty seconded this and there was various discussion. John Bradley called the question and the motion was passed.

  1. The Age Group Meeting Agenda of 12/5/01 and information on the Carthage College swimming pool were distributed.
  2. Bob White moved that the travel fund reimbursement of $300 for individuals and $150 for relays and $300 for every six swimmers on a team be applied retroactively to the U.S.Open meet that was held in December of 2001. Cathie Marty seconded the motion and there was discussion. John Bradley called the question and the motion passed unanimously.

  4. Cris Lewis distributed the Long Course Season swim schedule. This is a tentative schedule and changes will be sent out with the next mailing of the minutes. Note that the postmark date for meet reservations must be no earlier than 3/12/02.
Steve Schissel made a motion to extend the bids due to changes. Mary Schneider seconded the motion and there was discussion. Cathie Marty called the question and the motion did not carry.

There was a motion made to extend the bid deadline for both the state 14 and under and senior meets. John Bradley called the question. The motion did not carry.

John Bradley made a motion to accept the Lake bid for the summer state senior meet and Deb Nickels seconded the motion. Dave Westfahl called the question, the motion passed.

Two teams were interested in hosting the 14 and under state meet this summer, SWAT and SSTY. Each team spoke on their interest. Cathie Marty made a motion that they accept both bids and that a written ballot be used to determine who will host the meet. The motion passed and there was a vote. SWAT will host the meet.

Sue Zblewski made a motion to approve the meet schedule with the changes. Matt Miller seconded the motion and John Bradley called the question. The motion passed unanimously.

Senior Chair Report: None.

Registration/Membership Chair: Carol Graham reported as follows:

  1. Please register your athletes, meet directors and meet marshals in a timely fashion for insurance purposes.
  2. Mailings are due to her March 1.
  3. Get meet results out timely.
  4. Short term athlete memberships are available for April 1 - August 26.
Safety Chair Report: Cathie Marty reported:
  1. Watch the website for changes. Course equivalents are there for coach requirements.
  2. Fill out the Report of Occurrence when you should.
  3. If you want coaches certified for the summer, plan ahead and call Cathie. A current lifeguard can do the Red Cross Self-Test.
Technical Planning Chair Report: Dave Anderson requested that everyone fill out his Existing Practices Memo that was distributed. He mentioned that the BST website has a well thought out program for swimmers that need financial assistance.

Athletes' Representative Report: None.

Coaches' Representative Report: Dave Westfahl indicated that the coach of the year and the swimmer of the year awards will be paid for by Walters.


Camps Director Report: None.

Club Development Report: None.

Finance Report: None

Long Distance and Open Water Swimming Report: Linda Eberle indicated that the quarry meet will be the weekend of July 4. It will probably fill this year, so get your entries in early.

Officials Report: Sue Zblewski stated:

  1. There is a form on the website for making a request for an official to observe an event at the state meet.
  2. Dates for new official training are April 27 in Madison and May 4 in Hartland.
  3. One official will be sent to Colorado Springs training.
Records, OVC'S, Top 16 Report: Dale Nickels distributed Wisconsin Records sheets. He'll take care of this until there is a new chair. Drew Walden moved that pending investigation of the starting date of National Top 16 times for ages 11 and 12 and 10 and under, we start our state records from that date on. Cathie Marty seconded this motion. The motion passed.

Rules Report: None.

Team Wisconsin Report: Matt Miller said if anyone would like to be the team manager, please let him know.



  1. A nominating committee is needed. Cathie Marty agreed to be on the committee. Please contact Dale Nickels or Cathie Marty if you are interested in helping.
  2. Blaine Carlson discussed the Junior Nationals coming up in Long Beach, CA. The time standards are the same as the U. S. Open. If one cut is made, a swimmer can swim other races. The dates are March 26 - March 30. This is not a recognized USS meet. The travel fund will not apply to this. The long term goal is to get this within the purview of USA Swimming.
  3. John Bradley distributed a handout concerning the Sweet 16 Invite at UWM on June 1.
  4. Dave Anderson mentioned that there would be several celebrity swimmers at the Schroeder A+ Meet.
  5. Cathie Marty mentioned that she is involved in the Iron Man Competition in Madison and if anyone would like to help, please let her know.
  6. The state ad forms from Kenosha are available tonight.
NEXT MEETING: April 23, 2002, Tuesday, same room.

ADJOURNMENT: A motion to adjourn was made by Cathie Marty. The meeting was adjourned by consensus at 9:45 p.m.

Respectfully submitted:

Cathy Warmington, Secretary

Cc: Carol Burch, Director, Member Services Division, USA Swimming, Inc.